Dunfermline Athletic

Simplified User Input scripts

The following section covers some simple data selection to enable better user input for data selection. You can enter some data and make some selections below. At the bottom you can request a simplified PDF version of the output. This format is a simplified example to show features, not all error checking is implemented here.

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Your Name:  


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Sample Scripts

The purpose of this section is to provide some sample functions to show what can be implemented using dynamic functions. We hope that itidentifies some similar needs that you may have.

These are only a small sample and the features will depend on customer specific requirements. The following steps should be followed to allow data input by selecting a number of teams and people to attend a ground. The output in a PDF fromat that can be printed or forwarded in your organisation.

This section uses an existing database of leagues and teams located on a separate server. The purpose as an example of following through some data entry steps.

1. Enter your Name and County and press Select

2. Select a League from the popup list ofLeagues.

3. Select a team from the popup list of teams.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have selected say 5 or 6 teams from different leagues, each new team will appear in the List of Teams.

5. You can use the `remove` link to remove a team.

6. Under the list of Teams Selected press Continue

7. In Finalise Selections, choose number of Adults, Children, Seniors and press Show Total.

8. The script for the PDF document is now available.

You may relate to some of these options for your own needs, your requirements will have different sequences and levels of data, but they will follow the principles outlined here. We can implement a cost effective solution for you website with teh ability to capture data and orders with ease.

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