Services | Online Payments
Online Payments
Simple online payments can be integrated into your website without the need for a full or complete shopping cart. We integrate Stripe and Paypal. Our "new way to pay" is through our FIFEpay website.

Our new processing website is setup to handle individual payments in the form of a front end shop. Individual Cart buttons can be placed on your own website.
Payments are paid direct to the organisation themselves rather than to Software Foundation ltd []. We setup your Paypal email account as the beneficiary. has arranged payments for live streams for 7 football clubs.
Note Paypal can sometimes take a few minutes to perform the Instant Notification Payment depending on how busy their systems are, however, it is performed in a short time and suitable for all notifications of successful payment. Once paid you will receive an email confirming your payment.
We have setup a system whereby if your paypal email is different to your login email for live streaming services it will automatically recognise this. Our system is now setup to allow your paypal payment to be marked against your login account. It does mean that you can pay for a service for someone else (e.g. your father or son)
The websites we currently operate take payments:
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