Support | Server Status

Our Server Status

14th January 2024 Emails to Outlook and Hotmail users have been rejected by Microsoft the last 2-3 days. Finally after 3 conversations with Outlook support, who originally said the issue was at our end, they have resolved the issue at their end and emails are again flowing properly.

2nd May 2023. Some website were failing to connect, a server reboot and website restart solved the issues. (put down to an automatic software update). Please contact us if any issues.

7th April 2023: We have reported issues of being on a blacklist :
After investigation I believe this to be due to a number of invalid emails in our system, which get bounced by remote mail servers. We have been working the last few weeks to validate and tidy up all our email addresses and will have a full solution implemented soon.
Hopefully email through our system will not be impacted, but it may be that it gets delayed a short period. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Blacklist was resolved. dicovered the issue was due to the way I was testing the HELO command, I was testing with gmail and outlook (which apparently is a no-no for testing)

April 2022: We have had a communication from CySwitch regarding ethical hacking on one of our servers. Thank you for taking the time to email us and explain we had some issues. Unfortunately there was some old versions of software which were stumbled upon. We have now removed these. CySwitch information was very much appreciated.

22nd February 2022: Server access issues this morning due to DNS problem. resolved about 09.00 am

23rd January 2022: Over the last few weeks we have been performing a Server upgrade (server 7). This has meant transfers to Server 6 and 8. Apologies for any down time or issues during the transfer. The final transfers are occurring before the end of January. Thank you for your patience.

2nd Dec 2021 : One of our servers had an issue with a problem with your Incoming Mail server. Service restored. No emails were lost, you should receive them when you login.

3rd July 2021. BServer 1 : power supply issue at the Datacenter. support are investigating. 23:00 (affects and associated sites). Fixed 02:00am

Major upgrade of our main database system will occur 14/15th Aug 2020. system may be down for 1-2 hours. This should be our final upgrade after our work over the last few months.
PLEASE NOTE: there may be some errors appearing due to software upgrades that have impacted some of our scripts. Please report these as soon as possible.

11th Aug 2020: database issues overnight requiring a database restart. all good 7.30am.

There does seem to be some issues with mail server and BIND DNS server stopping. Virtualmin support are putting out an update shortly.

9th Aug 2020: email system has been upgraded to server 7.

SERVER 2: no known issues,

SERVER 3: no known issues

SERVER 4: no know issues

SERVER 5: no known issues

SERVER 6: no known issues

SERVER 7: server upgraded and combined. 25th July 2020 (server 8 moved to new ugraded server 7)