Services | Online Payments
Setup Stripe account
We now integrate PayPal and Stripe payments into our system. Welcome to FIFEpay our new Portal for payments. Our system allows payments to go direct to your account. Depending on volumes we charge £0.10 to £0.25 per transaction (charities excepted).
Looking to collect payments for items that your club or group sells to raise funds ? Thinking about running a Raffle ? then collect your payments online.
We are different to a normal shopping cart. You can setup individual items and track orders easily with our MyClubMembers admin management system.
Create a payment subsection with a project name (an example in my case is `fifepay`). This allows you to set up sections, in case you need to use Stripe elsewhere and need to use a different project name, for example on a full shopping cart system.
Setup payment access details
A set of data called keys are used to communicate with Stripe. Two types of keys are provided :-- TEST - a set of test keys allowing transactions to be tested and responses in our system.
-- LIVE - a set of live keys allowing live transactions.
Under Settings, Business Settings you can set up your Account, Business and Bank Account details. You can schedule when your payments get transferred to your bank.
Security information
We require the following security information which allows the Cart pages to be setup automatically.Once logged into Stripe you select the "Developers" option followed by the API keys option. Listed will be the Standard Keys to allow our system to authenticate the Stripe server with Cart Information. You can select Live and Test Mode to provide the following keys from eachsection:
-- Publishable Keys
-- Secret Keys
Thats really all there is to setup the Stripe Account and Parameters. We will then need to move onto setting up a cart Item to produce buttons to place on your website. We also need to setup Payment Notifications (webhooks in Stripe), more to follow.
Sample Cart Items
Refer to this link to view some current cart Items MyClub cart.Extra help linksCollecting Fees
When using separate charges and transfers, the platform can collect fees on a charge by reducing the amount it transfers to the destination accounts. For example, consider a restaurant delivery service transaction that involves payments to the restaurant and to the driver:
The customer pays a 100 USD charge.
Stripe collects a 3.20 USD fee and adds the remaining 96.80 USD to the platform account’s pending balance.
The platform transfers 70 USD to the restaurant’s connected account and 20 USD to the driver’s connected account.
A platform fee of 6.80 USD remains in the platform account.